Scenes from the Pool Party of the Year

TNDC Pool Toss, Red Carpet Bay Area
Bill Feyling

TNDC Pool Toss 2017

San Francisco luminaries got drenched for dollars and soaked up the fun at the 25th Annual Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation Pool Toss on October 11th. San Francisco’s Phoenix Hotel/Chambers Eat + Drink set the scene for the wet and wild affair. Notable Bay Area personalities belly-flopped and cannonballed into the pool and raised vital funds for TNDC’s Tenderloin After- School Program. This year’s Pool Toss raised a record-breaking $483,000 for TNDC youth and family programs. TNDC serves more than 4,100 people struggling to make ends meet in eight neighborhoods across San Francisco.

Scenes from the 25th Annual TNDC Pool Toss:

2017 Tossees and the amount raised from each toss:

Nancy Andrews, CEO, Low Income Investment Fund – $60,000
The Conley Family, Dunking Celebs Since 1992  – $45,000
Bill Feyling, Executive Director, Carpenters 46 Northern California Counties Conference Board – $48,000
The Honorable Mark Leno – $35,000
Jim Losi and Laura Pfaff, longtime Pool Toss Co-Chairs – $35,000
Jessica Silverman, owner Jessica Silverman Gallery – $11,000
Richard Tran, Mayor of Milpitas – $15,000
The Women of Pixar 2, a dedicated group of colleagues who are taking the plunge together – $12,000

Photos by Ando Caulfield and Jessica Monroy for Drew Altizer Photography

— Related: Red Carpet Bay Area coverage of past TNDC fundraising events: