Parca’s Luncheon in the Serengeti

Dessert was a chocolate elephant by Billy Harris of St. Claire's catering

Luncheon in the Serengeti, a benefit for Parca Organization held at a private estate in Hillsborough, California, attracted some 400 supporters for lunch and a fashion show on May 16, 2012.  Native African dancers and musicians entertained throughout the afternoon, Wilkes Bashford presented summer fashions, and exotic creatures indigenous to Africa were introduced as special guests from the San Francisco Zoo.

The most poignant part of the program occured when Parca client Tryn Miller shared how Parca’s staff and advocates helped her achieve successful independent living, “I have learned how to cook, budget, clean, keep up with my doctor appointments, do my own grocery shopping and laundry.”  Miller received a standing ovation. Parca Auxiliary raised over $150,000 through the event, its 24th annual spring fundraiser.


— Check out more Red Carpet Bay Area coverage of Parca Auxiliary events: 2015201420132011.