Another Holy Grail in the Beauty Category

The Perfect V
The Perfect V
The Perfect V


Not only do I strive for long eyelashes, diminished crows feet, smaller pores and glowing skin, but also, the new Holy Grail I found out recently, is a V-shaped face.  Clarins has been addressing this ‘issue’ for years with the number one  serum in the Asian market, now available in the United States. Shaping Facial Lift Serum is based on the principles of lymphatic drainage to achieve a perfectly contoured face.  The serum defines facial contours, drains fluid to lessen puffiness and reduces excess fat by targeting the live fatty pockets of the face — two in the cheeks, two under the jaw, and one under the chin.  So, here’s to a single chin and less-obvious jowls, I’ll try it for four weeks.