What is Beauty?

Caroline Chu creates luxurious skincare products that repair, nourish, and protect with meticulously hand-selected, natural ingredients: www.carolinechu.com


What is Beauty?

by Caroline Chu

A quality that delights the senses; a feature that excites intellectual or emotional admiration. My recommendations for getting the beauty reaction:


Stay physically healthy, it shows through your skin: exercise often, sleep regularly, and drink lots of water.


Use a quality exfoliate and moisturizer on your face daily. To immediately help rejuvenate your skin’s appearance, try my AHA renewing mask, antioxidant green tea serum, eye cream, day and night creams.


Don’t smoke for many health reasons, it promotes aging and wrinkling, and most people find it unattractive.


Beauty begins on the inside. Find things about you that make you happy and focus on your positive attributes.