Staging a Lifestyle

Bob Federighi offers interior design, project assistance and home staging

Staging a Lifestyle — Designer Bob Federighi knows exactly how you want to live — before you even put your key in the door. Real estate pros call him a home stager, but it’s more than four walls and a few pieces of furniture … Watch the video:

Related: Watch Bob Federighi achieve a total home makeover, inside and out, in less than three weeks: Millennium Makeover in Marin.

Staging a Lifestyle Video Credits: MBL Media Productions featuring Robert Federighi Designs;
Executive Producer: Marybeth La Motte; Writer & Producer: Jan Mabry; Associate Producer & Stylist: Cori Miller; Editor: Greg Marasso; Director of Photography: Mark Hamburg; Still Photography: Bob Morris; Special Thanks: Hillary Duggan, Toni Wolfson