Ballet Gala Prep

The steering committee for San Francisco Ballet Auxiliary's Opening Night Gala, 2012, back row (l to r): Carolyn Koenig, Meg Ruxton, Mary Jo Bowling, Carolyn Chang, Carla Wytmar, Shelby Strudwick, Rada Brooks, Trish Loucks; front row (l to r): Kathy Huber, Valerie Heckman, Stephanie Russell, Marie Hurabiell, Giselle Bosc, Laura Miller, Elaine Mellis (Photo: Drew Altizer)

Chairing San Francisco Ballet Opening Night Gala and raising $2.1 million in the process takes leadership, diplomacy, a lot of time, good organizational skills, a stunning gown, and professional hair and makeup, to say the least. Volunteer Marie Hurabiell Trader and a committee of 22 women, all volunteers for San Francisco Ballet Auxiliary, spent nine months cooking up the event that took place at City Hall and the War Memorial Opera House on January 19, 2012.  Marie was chosen for the lead role by San Francisco Ballet Auxiliary’s nominating committee in February 2011. During the months of planning, Marie also chaired a major event for her daughter’s school, worked as an attorney, supported her husband Andrew Trader while the company he co-founded in 2007 went public (Zynga), got through the holidays, and kept up with friends.

Luckily for Marie, San Francisco Ballet Artistic Director and Principal Choreographer Helgi Tomasson handled the details for the outstanding opening night gala performance. The evening, entitled Bella Notte, was brought to life at San Francisco’s City Hall with Italian Renaissance-inspired architectural details and fabrics, by event designer J. Riccardo Benavides of IDEAS.

Red Carpet Bay Area congratulates San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco Ballet Auxiliary, Marie Hurabiell Trader and the steering committee for San Francisco Ballet Auxiliary’s Opening Night Gala, 2012: Giselle Bosc, Mary Jo Bowling, Rada Brooks, Carolyn Chang, Valerie Heckman, Kathy Huber, Carolyn Koenig, Trish Loucks, Laura Miller, Elaine Mellis, Meg Ruxton, Shelby Strudwick, Stephanie Russell, Carla Wytmar.